Drew Maust
Bible translation consultant
Wycliffe Bible Translators / SIL Global
Read me
馃搫 Re-owning the Bible: Treasuring the Scriptures in a Multi-faith World (2024)
馃搫 Bible Translations Are for People (2024)
馃搫 Translanguaging Bible Translation (2023)
馃搫 The Parable of the Peanut Butter Sandwich: An Exercise in Artificial Intelligence and (Pseudo-) Bible Translation (2023)
馃搫 Book Review: The Word: On the Translation of the Bible by John Barton (2023)
馃搫 Translation Studies and Bible Translation: Interview on BT List Live (2021)
馃搫 Lament Amid the Burning (2021)
馃搫 转旨讜止专指讛 Torah (Key Terms of the Old Testament) (2021)
馃搫 砖职讈讗讜止诇 Sheol (Key Terms of the Old Testament) (2021)
馃搫 Bible Translation: An Interview with Katy Barnwell (2021)
馃搫 Offers of Opportunity: Function-Added Bible Translation and Language Promotion (2019)
馃搫 Le don des Septante : un argument historique pour l鈥檃justement des d茅calages contextuels (2016)
馃搫 L鈥檋istoire de l鈥檌nterpr茅tation du terme aram茅en 讛植诇指讱职 hal芒k, 芦 taxe 禄, en Esd 4.13 (2015)
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